Droidcon Tunisia

Two weeks ago I got invited to attend the Droidcon Tunisia. During this two day conference I got to meet so many passionate android developers. During the course of two days I gave two talks and one workshop. The workshop “Prototype your Mobile UX design” was intended to s
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Android Testing Support Library announced

During the Droidcon UK 2014, Stephan Linzner of Google announced the upcoming Android Testing Support Library. This means Google is (finally) taking testing Android apps seriously. The library is a unbundled static testing library for Android that containers all Android testing framew
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GDG Playground Thessaloniki, Greece

Two weeks ago got invited to Greece where I represented the Thessaloniki Google Developer Group and spoke about mobile UX design at the Google Developer Group Playground. The GDG Playground in Thessaloniki attracted 7000 attendees an over a hundred speakers: http://thess.gdgplayground
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Doing the open source thingy

Did you miss my talk about doing the open source thingy at the Droidcon The Netherlands, or you just want to see the slides again. Doing the open source thingy from Wiebe Elsinga
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DroidconES 2012

Just a brief post to say that I will be talking at DroidCon Spain on 7th December in Murcia, Spain. This is what I will be covering:
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Recap DroidconUK 2012

So my trip to the Droidcon UK is coming to an end. It has been a great two days. Droidcon UK brought together key players in the Android Mobile industry and 1000+ talented developers and designers to discuss the best of business, design, and development on the Android platform. It’s E
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Visit to Google London

As part of my trip to London during the DroidconUK, I will visit the Google London office.
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“V Hack Android” Netherlands

On November 5th Android will celebrate its 5th birthday. To celebrate this Google developer- and technology user group leaders in Europe have announced the “V Hack Android” hackathon (pronounced “We Hack Android”). “V Hack Android” Dutch edition I&#
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MWC 2012

From the 26th of February to the 1st of March 2012 I’ll be at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Hall 2.1 is dedicated entirely to Apps and promises to be the most interesting part of this exhibition which hosted over 50000 visitors last year. I welcome you to drop by and h
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Droidcon NL, an impression

It’s been a wonderful and exciting two days of enjoying the first ever Droidcon in the Netherlands. Not only did I talk to a lot of people about the DutchAUG, I also had the chance to give a presentation about “Prototyping your Android application”. Let me give you s
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