Archive addition Android artifacts with Gradle.

When building Android applications or libraries common practice is to save your artifacts to a local file storage or repo. Beside your APK there are some additional artifacts you want/need to save, and you want gradle to do this. Most common ones are Javadoc, your source files and perhaps your proguard generated files like the mapping file. I naturally wante
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Android Testing Support Library announced

During the Droidcon UK 2014, Stephan Linzner of Google announced the upcoming Android Testing Support Library. This means Google is (finally) taking testing Android apps seriously. The library is a unbundled static testing library for Android that containers all Android testing frameworks by Google. It will become a available through the Android Support repo
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GDG Playground Thessaloniki, Greece

Two weeks ago got invited to Greece where I represented the Thessaloniki Google Developer Group and spoke about mobile UX design at the Google Developer Group Playground. The GDG Playground in Thessaloniki attracted 7000 attendees an over a hundred speakers: During the course of three days I gave a talk about prototy
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Looking for an overview of wearables..

Vandrico has published the first Wearable Technology Database that consolidates all the existing and prototype wearable technology devices on the current market. The database classifies each device by name and market focus. You can also look at the technical specification and workplace potential
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Does Google Glass™ support orientation change?

If you ever wonder if Google Glass™ has orientation change support… Have a look at this visual example
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