Has Google Glass™ got potential

As Glass explorers we get asked what the (business) potential is, and what it can mean for developers. Taking pictures and video or getting information from the internet seems to be the biggest need for the first time Google Glass™ users. But the technology that Google Glass™ provides is much bigger, and it is already being trailed in different industries. S
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Glass, a UX point of view

You probably already know Google Glass, and maybe even read on how to create Glasswear, but what about a UX point of view. In this article we will be discussing the UX of Glass. Introduction Glass was designed to be used everyday and everywhere as content provider, so having a easy and clear UX is essential. Its UX is remarkably consistent with the UX of oth
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Functional testing for Android

Applying functional testing is not a new technique during the development of Java software. Writing functional tests gives you a good understanding about the stability of an application or system, during code modifications or if new features are added. But what about using functional testing when developing an Android application, it is also easy to achieve?
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Doing the open source thingy

Did you miss my talk about doing the open source thingy at the Droidcon The Netherlands, or you just want to see the slides again. Doing the open source thingy from Wiebe Elsinga
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Dutch Android User Group has become a foundation.

With great pride, I’m happy to announce The Dutch Android User Group has become a Foundation. Formalising our (Johan Pelgrim, Dennis Geurts and myself) initiative helps us in creating better content for the Dutch Android professional or hobbyist. By becoming a foundation we are better equiped to attract funds and are committed to give everything back t
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